2702 Patee St
This is an 850 sq ft two bedroom one bathroom house with a flat backyard and nice curb appeal. Though the property needs a lot of work, there are a number of positive attributes as well. It’s on a corner lot on the 27th block of Patee Street, it has vinyl siding and vinyl windows, updated electrical panel, and storage space in the basement.
The layout consists of a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room/pantry, and two bedrooms with a bathroom between them.
The house needs a new front porch; both flooring and ceiling, and new supports to level the porch roof. It needs a new roof, sheetrock repair, new bathroom and new kitchen. The back laundry room needs sheetrock work and new subfloor. There is water damage in the entry way from the roof, and sheetrock/subfloor need replaced in that area. The floors are uneven is some of the rooms.
There is some spray paint on part of the back of the house that needs power washed or painted over with a color matching paint. The fence in the back yard could be fixed to be functional or could be cleaned up and left as is for a partial privacy fence.
The basement has had foundation work done in the past, with cinder blocks on part of the basement and skim-coated walls in other parts. It appears to be in good condition. The water heater, HVAC and AC condenser all look old, and we are unsure of working condition.
This house has potential either as a flip or a rental!
ARV: $118,000
Asking Price: $30,000
Estimated Rehab: $46-53K
Estimated Rent: $875/mo
*Rehab descriptions are provided as a courtesy. We strive to help investors have a better understanding of possible needs and numbers. Information provided here is NOT an exhaustive scope of work nor is it a bid for contractor and labor. Please do your own due diligence as numbers/ARV are not guaranteed; they are based on our current knowledge of the property/market, experience, and a quick walk through.